The Art and Science of Effective Strategy

Strategy: a term encompassing a myriad of interpretations and approaches, serving as the linchpin between ambition and realization. It’s not merely a plan but an intricate amalgamation of foresight, creativity, and adaptability. Whether in business, warfare, or personal pursuits, strategy delineates the pathway to a predefined objective. In this article, we'll delve deep into the multifaceted realm of strategy, dissecting its components, exploring its significance, and unraveling the elements that constitute a robust and adaptable strategy.


Leaving Performance Metrics Behind: The Evolution of Brand Strategy

A paradigm shift is underway. The reliance on performance marketing is making way for a more deliberate and strategic approach to brand communication. As businesses grapple with challenges such as pressures on discretionary spend and the expansion of customer preferences, the need for coherent brand presentation has become more crucial than ever. This transition is not just a reaction to the rising costs of performance marketing and data privacy regulations; it's a proactive response to the changing dynamics of the business landscape and the evolving expectations of consumers. It's the desire to have a purpose beyond the clicks.


Certified Services Partner Concrete CMS

As a certified partner, 76West now has direct access to the development team behind the Concrete CMS, and join a private community who share best practices for delivering top tier solutions that are designed to scale with companies and their brands via Concrete CMS. Concrete CMS has long been our favorite content management system. Our clients find it easy to use, providing ways to update and mange their website content that makes this quick and easy. Our team has contributed to the Concrete CMS community and built dozens of websites from the simple to the complex on its foundation.


Manage Complexity with Simplexity

We all remember Kodak, right? Their downfall wasn’t a lack of innovation; they invented the digital camera! It was their inability to see and live up to their true value proposition. But did you know how Kodak articulated its value proposition when they were unknowingly heading toward the cliff edge?


Why and How to Avoid the Design Cycle of Doom

Are you looking to hire designers or enhance your team's design competency? Or improve how design can significantly contribute to your objectives? Design has evolved. A common misconception is assuming that the sole purpose of design is to make things look good. This belief is holding back the ability to engage design. Design = style is not only an outdated cliché but also undermines the value of design and reduces it to the trivial and subjective. The value of design goes beyond aesthetics.


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76West Brand Solutions
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